The Maverick Effects AI Challenge inspires and empowers students.

This challenge offers a platform for students to delve into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) through hands-on problem-solving and innovative thinking. It aims to showcase their skills, engage with industry experts, and contribute to the advancement of AI technology.

MEET THE Maverick


Harish Mehta

author, ‘The Maverick Effect’

The Maverick Effect AI Challenge, by the Dewang Mehta Foundation Trust and Harish Mehta, aims to inspire AI innovation. It invites students to solve real-world issues with ingenious AI solutions, echoing NASSCOM's transformative spirit in Indian IT. NASSCOM’s innovative, frugal solutions created The Maverick Effect, benefiting society beyond IT with job creation, social mobility, and affordable internet. These changes boosted Indian IT and improved millions' lives. The challenge aims to elevate AI as a force for mindful innovation, nurturing youth creativity for a future where India leads in tech and societal impact.



The Maverick Effect AI Challenge is your chance to enhance your AI skills, connect with industry leaders, and gain practical experience. This competition lets you showcase your talent, innovate, and push the boundaries of AI. This challenge invites students and teams from Gujarat to tackle real-world problems through AI solutions that demonstrate ingenuity, technical prowess, and societal impact. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in solving complex challenges using cutting-edge AI techniques

PERKS & Prizes







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Criteria 01

Open to students currently studying at authorized College/University in Gujarat. A student can be from any part of India or abroad, but must be enrolled in a college located in Gujarat

Criteria 02

Participation can be individual or in teams.A maximum of 5 team members are allowed in a team. • One student can participate in only one project, either as a lead or a partner.

Criteria 03

Out of the 5 problem statements, a student/team can participate in only one category.

College/University/Private Organization/ Association or an individual or a group of professionals cannot participate in this challenge. This challenge is made exclusively for the students.

Criteria 04

Participating students/teams must complete the processes and procedures available on the website to submit their nominations

Criteria 05

This challenge is not restricted to engineering students; students from other disciplines can also participate.


pick a problem

Each individual or team can choose only one problem statement,
ensuring focused effort and a high-quality solution.

01. Healthcare Optimization

Develop an AI-driven solution to optimize patient scheduling and resource allocation in healthcare facilities. The solution should enhance efficiency, reduce waiting times, and improve overall patient care

02. Environmental Monitoring and Conservation

Create an AI model to analyze satellite imagery and IoT data to monitor and predict environmental changes, such as deforestation or air quality, and suggest actionable insights for conservation efforts.

03. Education Enhancement

Design an AI-powered personalized learning platform that adapts to individual student needs, provides tailored educational content, and assesses learning progress effectively across diverse subjects and grade levels.

04. Urban Mobility and Traffic Management

Develop an AI system to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance public transportation efficiency in urban areas. The solution should incorporate real-time data from traffic cameras, GPS, and sensors.

05. Financial Inclusion and Fraud Detection

Build an AI solution to analyze financial transaction data and detect anomalies for early fraud detection. Additionally, propose methods to enhance financial inclusion by providing personalized financial advice or services based on user behavior and preferences.